Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure to trim and shape the vagina’s inner lips (labia minora). The labia minora are the inner flaps of skin that cover the clitoris and vagina that may become hypertrophied and protrude outside the woman’s vagina.
The labia minora may be elongated or asymmetrical as a result of sexual intercourse, childbirth, genetics or the aging process.
Many women with enlarged inner vaginal lips complain that it causes pain or makes them feel self-conscious. Long labia may cause pain during sexual intercourse, exercise or even while wearing some clothing.
Fully developed young women and adult women who are in good health make the most appropriate candidates. The surgery is not designed to enhance sexual pleasure or satisfaction.
During your consultation in our Lake Mary office, Dr. Shoukas will discuss your goals and expectations along with likely outcomes and any potential risks or complications.
Labiaplasty is performed in the operating room under general anesthesia. This procedure is not preformed in our Lake Mary Plastic Surgery office.
During surgery, hypertrophied and uneven inner vaginal lips are reshaped to reduce the redundancy and protrusion caused by labial hypertrophy. The appropriate incision location depends on many individual factors, including the configuration, texture and size of the labia.
Dr. Shoukas will then suture the incisions closed with dissolvable stitches so there are no sutures to remove postoperatively.
After surgery, you cannot have intercourse for six weeks. Your genitals will be tender and slightly swollen for several weeks, and your labia and the surrounding area may be slightly bruised.
Oral medications are used to control pain, and antibiotics will be prescribed to reduce the risk of infection after your surgery.
You will be asked to avoid any heavy, strenuous exercise for six weeks after surgery as well as refrain from Tampon use during this time.
Schedule your consultation with our office. Or call our Lake Mary Plastic Surgery team today 407-333-2518.